Saturday, March 10, 2007

Polar Plunge and Other Cool Things

So...we skydived in Australia, bungeed and sky swung in New Zealand so why not take the polar plunge in Antarctica??? We were actually filmed jumping in but by other people on our boat so we hope they get back to us with the videos but here are some pix in the meantime. Only 4 men out of our boat of 72passengers jumped...and one of the men was our chef! As it was a particularly chilly day, no one was really inclined to make the polar plunge. But that didn´t deter Kevin!

As I went down to the gangway to congratulate Kevin (I was up on top deck trying to photograph him), I was cheered by the crowd to jump in. I declined but when someone said ¨But no woman has done it¨, I just had to go! So off I went to change and a minute later I leapt off the gangway and into the icy waters! Brrrrrr! But really not as bad as I expected.

And Antarctica has loads of other adventure activities as well. Since most our landings consisted of hill climbs, we took shortcuts down by creating our own icy slides.

You can never really tire of penguins. I don´t know how many times Kevin and I said to each other ¨This is better than TV¨! They certainly are funny little creatures and watching the playful little chicks play with each other and their mothers was like watchest the cutest, funniest carton ever! Kevin was particularly keen on getting up close and personal with these little guys..even to the point that on most of our 10 landings on Antarctica, he could be found in this ¨Cleopatra¨pose waiting for the penguins to come to him.

On one of his slides, Kevin tore his waterproof pants! So here he is reclining with his ductaped pants!

This was such a funny shot. The three penguins behind Kevin were chasing each other all over the place and were just skidding behind Kevin when I took this shot of him. Eventually they all fell into a puddle and lost their momentum

And here we are, our last glimpse of Antarctica, and just before we faced the dreaded Drake Passage...otherwise called the Drake Wake!

I´ve loaded some more pictures on to this Kodak site since I can´t get them all on the blog. These are more landscape scenes...and of course, more penguins!

View my Antarctica photo album on Kodak Gallery


Blogger eileen said...

Love the photos of Kevin with penguins! And congratulations on the polar plunge- Karen, nice job representin' the ladies :)

Sun Mar 11, 08:29:00 PM  

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